How to Protect Your Mobile Devices From Cyber Threats
How to Protect Your Mobile Devices From Cyber Threats
The landscape of cybercrime is constantly changing and growing as
hackers seek out new ways to make money. Over the past few years, there have
been a slew of headlines reporting massive data hacks on major platforms and
companies such as Uber, Twitter, Google, Marriot, Target, and others, where
hackers have stolen millions of consumers' personal information including
names, social security numbers, addresses, and credit card numbers.

When it comes to cybercrime, your mobile phone isn't exempt. When any
device is connected to the internet, as most phones are, the users of those
devices face many of the same threats as desktop computer users.
Keep reading to learn the types of cyber threats that affect mobile
devices, along with some ways to reduce your risk.
Cyber Threats to Mobile Devices
Many of the cyber threats that face mobile devices are simply the
mobile version of threats that face desktop computers. Still, it's helpful to
review these threats and some of the ways the attacks are customized for mobile
Mobile Ransomware
Ransomware is a type of malware that locks up your device. Once
you've been infected, you lose your ability to access all of the data on your
phone until you pay a ransom to the criminal. Depending on the type of
ransomware, you could lose your call history, contacts, photos, messages, and
many basic phone functions.
Spyware and Drive-By Downloads
Not all malware is as obvious as ransomware. Some malware is designed
to go unnoticed, and these viruses are known as spyware. Spyware can be
installed on your device without your knowledge by hackers. It can also be
accidentally installed while browsing the internet. This is known as a
"drive-by download". You think you're simply visiting a website, but
the site clandestinely installs spyware on your device.
Once it's on your device, spyware can track your device use and
extract personal data like locations and passwords. Whatever the spyware
collects is sent back to the cybercriminal who created it.
Malicious Apps
There's an app for everything, but not all of those apps are
convenient tools or benign entertainment. That time-killing game you downloaded
might be fun, but it might also be collecting intimate details about you and
sending them to advertisers or bad actors.
These apps ask for permissions and data access under the guise of
improving the app experience, but what they're actually doing is mining data to
sell. Falling victim to these scams is known as "data leakage." At
best, this scam results in increasingly invasive ads. At worst, sensitive data
could end up in the hands of criminals who use it to steal your identity.
Phishing and Smishing Scams
Phishing is a common cyber scam that costs victims millions of
dollars every year.2 Phishing can be
broad and crude or targeted and specific, but in general, the scam starts as an
email that appears to be from a business or person you know. It contains a link
and asks you to input some information, such as a confirmation of account
information. However, the email isn't actually from the entity you know, and
any information you enter goes straight to the scammer.
This may sound like an easy scam to avoid, but phishing emails can be
advanced. It's easy to mistake them with the real thing. In some ways, mobile
devices heighten this threat as users may be more likely to quickly open up an
email if they get an alert on their phone (as opposed to desktop users who
purposefully sift through their inbox).
"Smishing" or "SMiShing" is another take on the
phishing scam. The scam plays out the exact same way, but instead of using
email, the scammers use text messages.
Security Measures to Help Prevent Cyber Threats
Luckily, you aren't powerless when it comes to cyber threats. In many
cases, due diligence will go a long way in stopping the attack before it
begins. In order to protect yourself from these mobile device attacks, keep the
following steps and tips in mind.
Create Better Passwords
If you still use passwords such as your pet’s name or address, you
have to start getting serious about your security. Make passwords at least
eight characters long (the longer, the better), and combine letters, numbers,
and symbols. Do not include any information that might be guessed, such as the
name of your child or dog. Long chains of random characters are best. If you
have trouble remembering passwords, don't make the passwords simpler. Instead,
consider using a password manager.
Keep Software Updated
Update your software on your device when prompted. These updates
often include fixes to security vulnerabilities. They're usually quick, too,
and failing to run them can create an easy opening for hackers.
Beware of Unfamiliar Apps
Before downloading a new game to kill time, do a little research on
the app and the app's developer. Carelessly downloading apps invites spyware,
ransomware, and data leakage. By carefully researching what you're downloading
before you download it, you can prevent many of these attacks.
Consider Security Software for Your Device
Just like how you can download antivirus software for your computer,
you can do the same thing for your mobile device. Consider using cybersecurity
software that will protect your phone from malware, spyware, ransomware and
other online threats.
A good security software should have a multi-layered security that
provides multi-levels of defence that both identifies and eliminates threats on
many different levels making it more challenging to find ways to infiltrate
your phone.
Turn Off Unnecessary Features
Turn off any features you don't need at that moment. For instance, if
you are not using GPS, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi, turn them off. This is especially
important in public spaces, such as in places with free Wi-Fi. If you do decide
to use free Wi-Fi, avoid accessing sensitive information through the network.
For example, don't do your banking or pay bills on a public, unsecured network.
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